Fly Tying Class

The Art of Fly Tying

Welcome to our Fly Tying Instruction page, where the art of creating lifelike flies comes to life. Whether you’re a beginner eager to learn the basics or an experienced tier looking to refine your skills, our comprehensive programs are designed to meet your needs. From understanding the essential equipment and terminology to mastering intricate techniques, our classes offer a hands-on, immersive experience. Join us in our vibrant on-premise classroom and discover the joy and satisfaction of crafting flies that beautifully imitate the natural insects found in Ontario’s renowned Trout streams. Let our expert instructors guide you through every step of your fly tying journey.

Introduction to Fly Tying

John Valk Micro Spey - Photo (c) Jeff SelserAs in any other sport, the equipment, terminology and techniques can be very confusing if you are a novice. We will shed light on and simplify all the jargon associated with the art, and instruct you on how to properly dress a fly to correct proportions so your patterns will match the natural insects you are trying to imitate. Our on-premise classroom is a busy place where newcomers to the sport can learn the art of fly tying.

Learn the basics of fly tying in our popular intro program.

Intermediate Fly Tying Class

Our many guest speakers can help experienced tiers improve their technique.

The Intermediate Classes take tying to the next level where you will have a lot more flexibility, tying flies with patterns that challenge you. In addition, you will tie flies used locally on the Trout streams of Ontario including the world class Grand River system.

Advanced Fly Tying Class

Fly tying secrets are shared and complex processes are explained to tie the most challenging patterns. The class covers the more complex and difficult techniques such as: spinning deer hair, winging for dry flies, weaving, epoxy and glue gun techniques, and introduction to tube flies.

Guide Services Grindstone Angling - Ontario Canada