Saugeen River - Ontario

Upper Saugeen River

A beauty of a brown during mid dayThe Saugeen River begins as a series of smaller tributaries that join and form the main stem east of Durham. The upper tributaries weave through mixed terrain and are primarily cold water systems before joining the main stem. These creeks and small streams hold healthy populations of brook trout, with several maintaining good populations of browns and rainbows as well. As the river gradually drains into Lake Huron at the town of Southampton, it complements the pastoral landscape of Grey-Bruce County and makes for an unrivaled fishery.

For the intrepid, the upper tributaries can be outstanding, but work is required as a majority of the forest is dense and rugged. If high reward for hard work is your game, the upper Saugeen is for you.

Lower Saugeen River

A Saugeen brown at duskAs the main stem grows in size downstream of Hanover, the resident trout give way to one of the greatest populations of smallmouth bass in the area. These fish range from Hanover to Southampton and reach trophy proportions due largely to lack of pressure and an unrivaled forage base. Southhampton also marks the beginning of one of the greatest steelhead runs in the Canadian Great Lakes. These fish have long been the glamour quarry of the lakes, but when you add to that the magnificent surroundings of Grey Bruce County, 75km of low pressure water and one of the largest runs of fish in the country, you have the making of a perfect fishery.

For all of its diversity, The Saugeen might be one of the best rivers in country and should be on every serious angler’s bucket list. Whether you prefer warm and cozy or cold and crazy, the Saugeen has it.

Guide Services Grindstone Angling - Ontario Canada